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"A Stationary Point on a Spinning Planet" by Bryce Lankard

Time is a precious commodity one often takes for granted. It is not a currency we have in an unlimited supply. It slips by us, often unnoticed. The two bodies of photographic work in this exhibition, “Blink of an Eye” and “Transience,” plus the debut of the short film, “A Stationary Point on a Spinning Planet,” all take a different look at this passage. One is a macro view, the other a micro view and the last a temporal view of time. “Get rid of all that is unnecessary. Wabi-sabi means treading lightly on the planet and knowing how to appreciate whatever is encountered, no matter how trifling, whenever it is encountered.”- Leonard Koren

About the short film: “A Stationary Point on a Spinning Planet”

This short film captures the the atomic flickers of human existence in the midst of the wonder of nature’s perfect imperfections. It encourages a temporal shift in the viewers perception of the moments that pass us by, the innuendos of our brief encounter with this world. This is the debut exhibition of this film.

-Bryce Lankard

The VIP preview will be on January 2, 2020 from 6 - 9PM. RSVP's are appreciated but not required. There are also several other opportunities to see this limited run exhibition. Join us for the opening on Friday, January 3rd from 6 - 9PM in conjunction with First Fridays in Starland. The show is also on view by appointment from December 28th, 2019 - January 1st, 2020.