Studio Member Directory

We have a vibrant community

of artists & makers at arts southeast.  

Check out their profiles below or stop by during

an Open Studio event to see them in action.

Every First Friday from 5 - 9PM.

studio #1

Em Koenig

Studio #2

Trinity Tibe


Studio #3

Faran Riley

Instagram: @faranriley

Studio #4


Studio #6



studio #7

Anna Keck

Instagram: @keckstudio

Studio #8

Adrienne Berkland

Adrienne Berkland is a fine art painter who enjoys painting portraits and Savannah scenes. She works primarily in gouache and acrylic paints. In addition to her painting practice, she is a live event painter and art educator.

Instagram: @adrienneberklandart

Studio #9

studio #10

Grace Lawson

Photographer and Mixed Media Artist

Instagram: @lawsonimagery



Studio #11

Emily Earl

Emily Earl is a photographer and designer, co-founder of Sulfur Studios & Founding Director of ARTS Southeast

Instagram: @emilyearlphoto

Studio #12

Samantha Mack

Instagram: @samanthadmack

Studio #13

Isaac McCaslin

ARTS Southeast 2025 Incubator Artist

Instagram: @isaacmccaslin

Studio #14

Rebecca Braziel

As a multidisciplinary artist Rebecca’s practice includes fiber installations, mixed media sculptures, paintings on paper, and hand stitched surfaces. Her work entices viewers to look deeply into exuberant surface textures discovering visions of flora and fauna in an experience intended to strengthen the human connection to nature.

Instagram: @rebeccabraziel


Studio #15

ON::View Artist Residency

Located in the front of ARTS Southeast, the studio’s windows open onto Bull Street, giving the public a view into the visiting artist’s work as it progresses. The ON::View Residency brings artists from around the world to Savannah for 1-3 month stays.

To see the current resident’s work: @onviewresidency

Studio #16

Kelly Thompson

Studio #17

Studio #18

Studio #19

Tim Turner

Abstract Painter

studio #20

Studio #21

Studio #22

Tanya Mandel

Landscape Architect

Studio #23

Studio #24


Studio #25

Jon Witzky



Studio #26

Alexis Javier

Multimedia Artist and Musician

Co-founder of Sulfur Studios

Gallery Staff


Studio #27

Rena Southern