Join ON::View Artist-in-Residence Kazumi Wilds on Saturday, July 30th from 2 - 4 PM at Sulfur Studios to learn about Traditional Japanese paper suminagashi (marbling) techniques. All materials provided, including Japanese paper that Kazumi has brought with her from Tokyo! Participants will also learn about the Japanese 4 Hole Stab book binding technique.
$10, materials provided. Space is very limited! 6 - 8 adult participants - no experience necessary. Register here:
About Suminagashi (墨流し) Suminagashi is the ancient Japanese technique of decorating paper with inks. It is believed to be the oldest form of marbling, originating in China over 2,000 years ago and practiced in Japan by Shinto priests as early as the 12th century. Suminagashi (sue-me-NAH-gah-she), which means literally “ink-floating,” involves doing just that. Japanese Sumi-e inks were originally used, dropped carefully to float on a still water surface and then blown across to form delicate swirls, after which the ink was picked up by laying a sheet of white rice paper atop the ink covered water. The practice of Suminagashi remains much the same today, although now artists also use acrylic paints that flow and spread over a liquid water surface. Combining the knowledge of fluid mechanics with artistic talent, the artist controls the floating pigments through the viscosity and surface tension of the water to create images suggestive of mountain ranges, landscapes, clouds and animals before printing them on a sheet of paper.