Ugis Berzins: "Priority Mail"


Ugis Berzins: "Priority Mail"


Ugis Berzins

Priority Mail

Full-color zine, 5 x 7”

Published by Future Landfill Press, 2023


It all started with a sad rat. A fellow art side chick Camden Noir was asking for submissions to his second book of 228 Labels, and at the same time Nick Francel AKA @roboticarms was running his February #sadrats – or was it March, who can recall. In an attempt to be efficient I combined the two. This first attempt revealed that even though the paper of priority labels isn’t great, it was good enough. Most of my personal arsenal made it on the labels, from the classic Pentel pocket brush, to gouache, watercolors, screentones, sumi ink, gold leaf, copic markers, all in the service of questionable ideas, bad puns, and roboporn.

This is a collection of all those that turned out.

A massive thanks to my patrons, current and former alike, you’re awesome:

Andrea Evans, Axelle Kieffer, Blue Wolf, Brian Woodward, Carl King, Holly Bryant, Carrie Polaszek, Katherine Rhiannon Sproessig, Chris Smith, Damian Burr Ford, Dennis Orris, Dustin Kober, Evilbobarino, Ewan, Gabriel Tremblay, Geoff, Graydon Speace, James Cole, Joren Torfs, Kurtis Letterman, Kyle Saget, Luke Gabelman, Michaelkbociek, Natalia Torne Perez, Rob Hessler, Patrick Hershberger, Nat Wellig, Punko, Tony, Trent Early, Tori Meredith, Ann Richmond Garrett, Theodor Helgason, Nathan, MJK, McKenzey Beshears, Paul Nipp, Victor Alpi

To check out what all the fuss is about:


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