Sam Rush: "Swallow"

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Sam Rush: "Swallow"


Sam Rush


Published by Sibling Rivalry Press


Sam Rush began writing poems after developing progressive hearing loss and realizing how many words each word could be.

“In SWALLOW, Rush sounds off at a new frequency, tuning keenly to the irreducible particularities of a body living its way into a prophecy only certain ears can hear. Ambitious in sonic play and buzzing with the verve of a private hero’s journey, this collection lends gravity to understanding inherited for — the sonnet and one’s own corporeal vessel — as a pyre an alter an altered/state. SWALLOW permits nonlinear passage into the choose-your-own-adventure of dismantling so many false dichotomies — noun vs. verb. vs. sound vs. silence, among them — and Rush proves a skilled captain on all counts.” — Meg Day, author of Last Psalm at Sea Level

“Sam Rush’s SWALLOW is an experiment in space, sound, and flight. This debut collection of poetry provides an intimate interrogation of the grief we must learn to live around. A contemporary poet’s ode to the sonnet, SWALLOW uses poetic tradition to build a world of new meaning that rings the page and echoes the ears. A playground of praise and song, this collection holds the reader in the contradictions and the comforts of negative space. SWALLOW demands we consider ourselves and the lineage of our losses in the ways that fill us whole.”

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