Avery Melhado: "It's All In Your Head (and that's okay): a zine about mental health"


Avery Melhado: "It's All In Your Head (and that's okay): a zine about mental health"


Avery Melhado

It's All In Your Head (and that's okay): a zine about mental health


Mental health is not just important, it’s essential.

Whether you’re dealing with grief, coping with a diagnosis, or just going through a rough patch, mental health affects every aspect of day-to-day life. Though the conversation has become less stigmatized over time, there is still a severe lack of understanding of those struggling with mental health issues. Resources are often inadequate, and it’s important to highlight real advice, from real people, with real experiences.

It’s all in your head, sure. But isn’t everything?

National Alliance of Mental Health Hotline: 1-800-950-6264

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